1) REVIEW EXAMS. What are my mistakes? Correct my mistakes in my notebook. DONE 18-09-24
2) REVIEW WELCOME! UNIT. Start my Learning Diary with Basic English. Copy from Moodle > 1ª Avaluació > Basic English - Learning Diary
Now I can .... (units 1-4).
Warm up: FAMILY TREE (DONE 20-09-24)
Hmk (previous knowledge): Only the first 2 ex. Write 3 or 4 things about each person.
a) Describing FAMILY. (Using names. e.g.: My mother is Maria; my father is Peter) (DONE 24-09-24) Hmk: 20 basic adj + 6 advanced, ex. 5, cube.
Dx. 25-09-24. Hmk: Oral practice about films.
b) Using the verbs TO BE & HAVE GOT. (appearance, likes & dislikes, age and property). Vocabulary, adjectives (p.30 SB, p.19 WB), and sentences structure: DESCRIBING THE FAMILY.
c) Using countable & uncountable nouns. There is / are.
d) Joining sentences with AND & BUT.
Dv. 27-09-24. Practice writing describing one member of family with all the above. DONE.
1º) Usa sa fotocòpia que t'han donada. La pots descarregar aquí writing practice unit 1.
2º) Rellena con adjetivos o sustantivos la tabla del ejercicio 1.1 de la fotocopia.
APPEARANCE: FRASE 1 = altura, color de pelo, color de ojos, tipo de pelo; FRASE 2 = adjetivos como elegante, sofisticado, informal, etc... Puedes utilizar adjetivos de aquí ADJECTIVES OF APPEARANCE.
PERSONALITY: FRASE 1 = puedes utilizar adjetivos que ya conozcas; FRASE 2 = puedes utilizar adjetivos de aquí ADJECTIVES OF PERSONALITY.
(hobbies, aficiones, gustos, manías): FRASE 1 = puedes utilizar el
vocabulario del ejercicio 5 del Student's Book, pág.30, como good at, interested in; FRASE 2 = verbos tipo like, dislike, prefer, enjoy, love, hate.
FAVOURITE FOOD: FRASE 1 = tipo de comida (italiana, japonesa, etc.); FRASE 2 = plato específico.
OTHER INFORMATION: FRASE 1 = cualquier información adicional como si está casado/a, si tiene hijos, hermanos, etc.; FRASE 2 = lo mismo.
3º) Ejercicio 1.2 de la fotocopia. Elabora oraciones compuestas en cada frase, utilizando los conectores AND, BUT, BECAUSE.
4º) Ejercicio 2 de la fotocopia. Escribe un borrador de la redacción siguiendo los pasos de este ejercicio.
a) Talk about the school environment. Verbs TO BE, THERE IS/ARE, HAVE GOT. page 44-46.
Dimarts 8-10-24 Reading comprehension p.44-45. HMK: What are the differences in the schools of Western Siberia, South Korea and Bangladesh? DONE
Dimecres 9-10-24 Reading comprehension & gap fill ex.4, 5, page 46. DONE
Divendres 11-10-24 Correct hmk. DONE.
b) Use the present simple to talk about routines, habits, permanent states. Likes & dislikes (like + verb + ing), page 48 (verbs of routine).
Dimarts 15-10-24 Revise avatars. Table of PRESENT SIMPLE (+, -, ?). Table of Q's (4 columns) in English (Wh-+AUX+S+V?). HMK: write five questions in your notebook following the table. DONE
Dimecres 16-10-24 Geographical & physical description of the school: location & distribution with adjectives, using the verbs TO BE, HAVE GOT, THERE IS, THERE ARE. HMK: re-write the sentences to include two adjectives. DONE
Divendres 17-10-24 Read a little.
Dimarts 22-10-24 p. 48. Geographical & physical description of the school with basic verbs of routine and adjectives. HMK: numbers and days of the week in the Learning Diary. In notebooks, write 5 sentences of daily routines. DONE
c) Use adverbs of frequency. Dimecres 23-10-24 Photocopy p.34 + 35 given. DONE HMK: fill in the table p.34 DONE
d) Use routines with timeline connectors. page 55, St.bk. Divendres 25-10-24. Putting together everything in a draft. DONE HMK: continue practicing.
e) Practice writing (unit 2), starting with personal information (unit 1). Dimarts 29-10-24.
¿Qué necesito saber y estudiar para el examen escrito?
a) Describe your school. Type of school. Why is it different from other countries? What do you like about your school?
b) Use the present simple to talk about routines, habits and permanent states.
c) Use adverbs of frequency.
d) Use sequencing words.
e) Saber descriure un dia a sa teva vida escolar.
f) Realitzar sa pràctica de redacció amb ses tres fotocòpies del WB p.34-35. (Sa professora les repartirà). Les pots descarregar aquí writing practice unit 2a + writing practice unit 2b + UNIT 2 WRITING OUTLINE.
g) Saber escriure una redacció on hi surtin els següents elements:
1º- Fer una descripció amb informació personal. Usar informació de la unitat 1.
2º- Fer una descripció de la teva escola i rutina diària escolar. Saber dir sa freqüència de les activitats.
3º- Saber explicar les activitats que més t'agraden i ses que menys t'agraden. Saber explicar perquè.
4º- Saber usar els connectors correctament dins la redacció.
Saber escriure una redacció amb bona presentació: bon ús de la
puntuació (comes, majúscules, punts i seguits, punts i apart) bons
marges, bona lletra, sense tachons ni typex.
1) Watch a short video (five minutes) about the most horrible murderer (assassin) in English history. His name was JACK THE RIPPER. Use the link below to watch the video.
2) Now do this fun worksheet. You can download it here: JACK THE RIPPER WORKSHEET
3) Discussion: What other famous murderers do you know?