Dimarts 26, setembre 2023   English Oral exam.


Do you like playing football?

Yes, I do. Because football is fun with friends.

Dimarts 24, octubre 2023   English Oral exam.

Conversació (3 questions per person, with introduction and conclusion):

1) Hello!

Introduce yourselves with name, age, where you live and something you like doing.

2) What are you doing this weekend?

On Saturdays/Sundays I usually .................., but this weekend I am ..........................................

3) How are you feeling?

I am feeling .................. (answer with adjectives from U6), because  I usually .................., but this weekend I am ..........................................

4) Why/where are you ....................................... ?

I am ............ because ............................

5) Great/cool/wonderful!

Say goodbye.

Last modified: Thursday, 19 October 2023, 2:18 PM