El pioners del cinema mut.

2. Douglas Fairbanks.

Douglas Elton Fairbanks (born Douglas Elton Thomas Ullman; May 23, 1883 – December 12, 1939) was an American actor, screenwriter, director, and producer. He was best known for his swashbuckling roles in silent films including The Thief of Bagdad, Robin Hood, and The Mark of Zorro, but spent the early part of his career making comedies.

Fairbanks was a founding member of United Artists. He was also a founding member of The Motion Picture Academy and hosted the 1st Academy Awards in 1929. With his marriage to actress and film producer Mary Pickford in 1920, the couple became 'Hollywood royalty', and Fairbanks was referred to as "The King of Hollywood", a nickname later passed on to actor Clark Gable.

Though widely considered as one of the biggest stars in Hollywood during the 1910s and 1920s, Fairbanks' career rapidly declined with the advent of the "talkies". His final film was The Private Life of Don Juan (1934).

Douglas Fairbanks fou l'heroi per excel·lència del cinema mut. Una de les seves pel·lícules més famoses fou The Mark of Zorro. Fa ser un dels fundadors de la companyia cinematogràfica United Artists. La seva carrera com a actor no va sobreviure desprès de la invenció del cinema sonor.

Vegeu la pel·licula The Mark of Zorro.

És interessant la interpretació que es fa de la "música española" a la pel·licula.

Per a una versió en castellà i més ampliada de la seva biografia clicau aquí https://es.wikipedia.org/wiki/Douglas_Fairbanks