Aula Virtual de l'assignatura de Física de 2n de Batxillerat
- Profesor: Luís Angel Herrero Aisa
- Profesor: Josep Miquel Pons Buades
- Profesor: Mateu Palmer Ferrer
- Profesor: Maria Luisa Pérez Fernández
Aula virtual de l'assignatura de Química de segon de batxillerat
- Profesor: Gloria Pau Coll Sabrafin
- Profesor: Josep Miquel Pons Buades
This a course addressed to students of 2Batxillerat who will be doing their Selectivitat exam in June.
It will give some basic tips on how to best approach the exam as well as some grammar, phonetics, vocabulary , reading and writing practice together with their corresponding answer key.
- Profesor: Ana Saavedra Chia